MIEA Ojibwe Language Bowl
Tuesday, March 18th, 2025
Mystic Lake Casino, 2400 Mystic Lake Blvd NW, Prior Lake, MN 55372
Resources allowed to create questions:
Ambe, Ojibwemodaa Endaayang! Jessie Clark Rick Gresczyk
Ojibwemowin Series 1 Tom Vollom tvollom@isd361.k12.mn.us
Ojibwemowin Series 2 Tom Vollom tvollom@isd361.k12.mn.us
The Goodpath Thomas Peacock
Ojibwe Heritage Basil Johnston
Waasa Inaabidaa Thomas Peacock
The Four Hills of Life Thomas Peacock
Registration Cost: $200 per team
Please send payment to:
Minnesota Indian Education Association(MIEA), PO Box 6786, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Mail Questions in a sealed envelope to:
Ojibwe Quiz Bowl, 316 Main Street East, Remer, MN 56672
Please mail 30 questions per team to:
(25 language verb based sentences including sentences using past/future tense, 1st/2nd singular/plural persons, 5 culture/history) on 3×5 note cards.
-Please provide each question with:
‘According to ___________…’ (add source book title) Include page # of each source next to each question.
Questions/Fees/Registration need to be submitted by Friday March 14th, 2025!
For more information contact: leah@www.minnesotaindianeducation.org
Registration Form
Ojibwe Quiz Bowl
Each school team(s) will be limited to 4 participants with 1 student as alternate.
Coach(s) Name:__________________________________________________________
Please list names and grade level of each student representing your school in the quiz bowl.
1)________________________________Grade:________T-shirt size______
2)________________________________Grade:________T-shirt size______
3)________________________________Grade:________T-shirt size______
4)________________________________Grade:________T-shirt size______
5)________________________________Grade:________T-shirt size______
Email Registration To:
General Rules
There will be up to 15 questions per round depending on the # of teams, ties etc.
1. Teams must have one coach in attendance with their teams(s).
2. All team(s) may have up to four (4) students and one alternate; it is not necessary to have an alternate.
3. Please remember to respect others and to be courteous to fellow participates.
4. Any use of profanity or improper behavior will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the competition.
5. Good sportsmanship is required.
6. No mid-game substitution will be allowed. The team will play with the remaining members of team.
7. After the moderator has read the question, the first team to buzz in will have 15 seconds to correctly answer the question. (Only one member of the team may answer.)
8. Upon activation of the buzzer, the team must wait to be recognized by the moderator before giving their answer.
9. If a team buzzes in before the moderator finishes reading the question, the moderator will stop reading the question and the team identified will have 15 seconds to answer the question.
10. If the moderator is interrupted while reading the question and the recognized team answers incorrectly, the moderator will complete the question for the opposing team (as long as they did not buzz in before the question was finished) and that team will have 15 seconds to answer the question.
11. It is the responsibility of the team coaches to check and verify the scoreboard for room number, time, and score.
12. If the team buzzes in; and then asks to repeat the question, they are using their own 15 seconds.
13. No written or electronic recording of competitions is allowed.
14. Question/Answer challenges are allowed by teams to discuss with moderator/judges/coaches.
15. Submitted team questions will be disposed after competition.